Congratulations! You feel good enough about your sound that you are ready to try playing in a session with others. The next section has information about creating sessions and finding people to play with, but let’s continue on here with some audio issues that might arise within a session. In the previous section you used the audio inputs slider to create a baseline for your sound. When you are in a session with other people, you will use the personal mix column to adjust the balance of the mix you hear in your headphones. In the personal mix column, you'll see information for each participant (including yourself) that is analogous to what is in the audio inputs column. Usefully (and this is a big difference from the way JamKazam worked for many years), the adjustments you make in this column only affect what you hear. Feel free to do what you need to do to make the ensemble sound right to you, and encourage others to do the same.
If the sliders don’t do it, there are numerous other things to try. Here are a couple: You can play with the Volume of the entire session-- make everyone louder or softer and then finetune for each participant using the personal mix sliders. Again, this only affects what you hear. You can go back to the Audio Booster screen and fiddle with those gauges at the bottom of the window. If others find you are too faint, you can boost your output, or they can boost peer input. There are a lot of combinations, and one might work. Other people may not have spent the time needed to refine their sound. You can encourage them to get closer to their microphones, turn off compression if they haven’t, do whatever you did to get it right. Better gear will generally enable better sound and lower latency, and the converse is also unfortunately true, so sometimes the session just won’t be optimal, but it may still be fun.
Speaking of latency, in addition to the volume symbol, you’ll see a colored dot.
If you hover over that dot you can get information about latency and other stats. It can help you see if there are aspects of your setup you can tweak, and help you diagnose what might be going on with others in your session. If you need to bring your latency down, a few tips are:
🌟 New 🌟 Coping with latency
So you've done all those things and there's still more latency in your session than would be ideal. This will happen. Perhaps you are trying to play with people who are far away from you, or some people in your group have slow gear. Again, it may not be optimal, but it still can be fun. Some things that we've learned to do are:
Finally, though way better than it was in April, JamKazam is still a work in progress, and sometimes things will go awry. When they do, there are various fixes you can try: clicking on resynch often magically repairs things; leaving and rejoining the session; restarting JamKazam; re-registering your audio gear configuration. Make sure no one is muted by mistake. Make sure all physical connections are tight, e.g. USB connections, extension cords, Ethernet cable, etc.